05 February 2013

God's not changing your circumstance because....

He's trying to change your heart. I read that today and thought it was pretty much perfection.

If you're upset about a phase in your life that makes you feel there's no light at the end - look at the situation with enduring hope.  God is nearby and attempting to renew your heart in some way. He's probably just waiting for you to discern it. If you're consumed by your hopelessness, you might just miss it.

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Yesterday activated the process of charting unmarked territory.  Sadly and most commonly, I tend to witness to people I know are already Christians. A conversation I had with my neighbor last week has had my mind running loops of things I could have, should have said.  Readers digest version - he is waiting to die and doesn't believe in God. I've continually talked myself out of speaking to him on the subject for fear I may offend an angry, old man.
So, what changed my mind? Aside from the obvious answer - God. . . I came across an amazingly, inspiring blog that made me want to immediately take action.

It boils down to this: sometimes we're left feeling like God is ignoring our prayers/request even if we know we're asking His will and not our own agenda. God moves on His own time (But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Pe 3:8...He's not really moving that slowly.) He moves THROUGH us in some cases.  So, those times we feel like we're waiting and waiting - we're actually holding out for another person to be obedient to God's request.

Helllooo? Could it be anymore clear? The screen was screaming at me to stop worrying about "what if" and what "might" happen if I reach out to my neighbor.  I have the opportunity, nay a spiritual obligation to reach out and plant the seed. I needn't worry about what happens after; God will give the increase.

By the way, witnessing to other Christians is not completely unnecessary. It's like giving someone more water, you can never have too much spiritual or physical nourishment.  However, someone who has no water....It goes without saying they need it more.

What I've learned from this and what I would suggest is this: When you feel like God is telling you something do it immediately before you have time to talk yourself out of it. You'll always want to rationalize why you can't do it.  "I'm not the best Christian, or even that good of one.. I don't have the bible memorized. I don't know what I could possibly say...They won't listen. I'll make them angry." Where in the bible did God ever use the perfect Christian to do His work? Never.  They were all sinners, just like us. God uses the weak and he most definitely uses our past as a testimony to others.  You don't have to quote the bible to people - just tell them what God has done for you and how He has changed your heart and your life. That's witnessing.
Most importantly, don't be ashamed of your past, it is your testimony to Christ.
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God. 2 Tim 1:8

Challenge: Do it. The next time you have that overwhelming feeling you should say or do something, don't push it aside. God is trying to move through you for someone.



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